>Accsessing secure file: Yassac Andros.
>Accessing Skills log: Four lightsabers with telekenetic lightsaber combat, telekenetic force prowess, starfighter prowess, diplomacy, Teras Kasi expert, tactics and leadership.
>Accessing Datapad log 00758
>Message from E23514
>Running encryption
>Message from Evaron Andros
>Begin playback
This message is for my son and my son alone. Listen carefully, for this is the last will and testament of I... Lord Evaron Andros.
My son I do not know where or when you will receive this message but know that I never intended for any of this to happen. I know you have no desire to speak to me but please understand, this is not me asking for your forgiveness, but a warning to you. Please understand that I only ever had your best intentions at heart. Your mother and I were slaves to the sith. When I was found to have force sensitivity I knew I had to act fast. The chance of you having the same gift was too great. I sent you away to Telos using every last credit to my name. The sith found out of course and your mother was taken from us that day I was immediately sent to Korriban, essentially a death sentence for one as old as I. To my own surprise I was able to outwit and outmaneuvered the sith there and became an apprentice to a powerful lord. I gained power of my own. As soon as I did I sent spies to watch you. I was so proud of you the day I obtained the report that you had joined the jedi order, then again when I heard that you had found love the love of that beautiful red haired woman in the temple. I apologize, my spies did take pictures of the two of you together. I understand your relationship was not secret from the council and I am certain you would have been removed from the order had you not been such an impressive asset when the sith began attacking Alderaan.
I...apologize again I know it must be hard to hear these details. I can only imagine how the sacking of Coruscant weighs upon you. I should have been there, I could have done something. I read the report and wept for you when I heard how you, your lover and a small boarding party had successfully boarded and taken over an entire imperial frigate and was decimating the imperial forces from behind as you were joined by other republic freedom fighters! I have no doubt you would have eventually retaken the capital but the treaty of Coruscant was signed as you attempted your valiant fight without your knowledge. Did you know that happened exactly while you were above coruscant fighting? When your republic support had vanished, you and your fellows were suddenly rogue agents in a war that had ended. The empire surrounded your vessel and opened fire. Someone in the republic must have known you were there fighting, I hope that person pays dearly for their betrayal. It was bittersweet when I learned you were the sole survivor. That you had found an escape pod with your lover but she had died in your arms before the pod even landed.
I can understand how you were removed from the jedi council after that. I can only imagine the rage you must have felt for them after they abandoned you. I was surprised when you left the order entirely. I would have sought you out but, my own troubles were growing at that time.
I do hope this Telosian League you founded gives you the peace and purpose you seek. I don't know if you have come to terms with your lover's death yet but...I just...I am so sorry my son. I have made the most grievous of mistakes. Around the time of the treaty...when I heard of your lover's death I could not bare the thought of your suffering. I could feel your anguish through the force so I researched every sith tome on the creation of life through the force. My sith master supported me because thankfully she did not know my intention was to bring your lover back to life for you. I know you will never forgive me for this but...my sith master took a liking to me. Her power, her resources...her company was too much. I loved your mother but...I am just a man. Together my master and I found old sith ritual to create life out of the force. I should have never involved my master. She is powerful but she did not have the same mind for research I did. I should have never showed her this power. She soon found out about you my son...and my true intentions. She quickly discarded me and completed the ritual herself. She created in her body a creature...of pure darkness. It grew incredibly fast she mockingly called it Yessek. Now I am on the run from my master and now that creature fully grown. It is the most powerful thing I have encountered. Strong in body, in mind and incredible in the force. I am using every resource to hide behind sith law and politics to keep my master and Yessek at bay but I know they will soon come for you and your League! It has hatred in it for our family something my master must have taught it. Don't ever underestimate this Yessek creature. It is smarter than you or I, it may even soon over take my former master. When it does he will have command over imperial forces and I will be finished. That's when he will come for you! Run my son! Prepare whatever strength you have at your disposal! You have never fought an enemy like this before! I...I must go...
>Play back ended.
>Additional playback recording found
Voice identified as Yassac: Command delete this message.
Unknown voice: Yassac that's your father!
Yassac: I know...and he brought this upon himself. I told he many times to never contact me again.
Unknown voice: He was trying to warn you! Just give him a chance! He sounded like he was about to die!
Yassac: No I...fine...command save message. Damnit old man.
>Recording ended.
>New recording
Voice identified as Yessek: Excellent.
Unknown voice: You found him sir?
Yessek: Yes. Send the agents.
>Recording ended.
> access file republic_command::sysroot\6xth_assault_battalion\personnel_data\allies\personal_histories\xiviath.histdat
file secure. enter credentials > ********
----Personal History: Captain Xiviath, Last name unknown----
--personal vessel: The Rozzanne Star; freighter class, fully custom XS Light
--recorded attempts to bypass mandatory status: 196
--begin entry--
Blasted computer won't listen to me, keeps spouting the same BP that this is "required for all allied individuals" and it can't find anything on me. Makes sense, I suppose. Fine. Here's my story.
You know the rumors that droids can devellop sentience if you don't memory wipe them? Well, that was me. A lil' series-11 astromech, class 5, unit HT-41. Old master got killed in the sacking of Coruscant and I went straight to storage, idiots didn't even mem-wipe me. 'Bout 10 years down the road I decided I didn't want to be there anymore. Managed to fry my restraining bolt and slice the door open. I probably could've found some work, I mean they must've needed astromechs right? It's been like 20 years and they're still making repairs. But anyway, I didn't want that. I'd been locked away in storage so long, I figured it was time to see the galaxy. Live like an organic, or something. Well, that wasn't gonna happen on Coruscant so, I stowed away in the cargo bay of a freighter headed to Nar Shadaa. Snuck away when the dock workers left, and ran into Tharan Cedrax; now, this was before he got into exotech, and I guess he didn't understand astromech so well. I was quite proud of my solution, actually; opened up my holoprojector and typed everything out for him in basic. He's been a huge help to me ever since.
With Tharan's help, I was able to cut off OW access to my memory core - no more mem-wipes for me. Life was great but, there's only so much you can do as a droid, even a sentient one; I wanted more, I wanted to experience everything organics could. Luckily, droids are great at pateience. Tharan started working on building me a body, on the side of his other projects. It didn't seem to be going anywhere, though... couldn't be too droid-like or there'd be no point; building an organic body was just beyond even him, let alone one that i could download myself into. Maybe an organic body with the right cybernetics - but it's not like I could mem-wipe some guy off the street. Seemed like hope was lost, when the wierdest thing happened. I was exploring the red light sector and I saw an equipment haul - overheard some guys at it's destination talking about a "[REDACTED] project." Started slicing into their security feeds and man was I jealous...or would have been if I hadn't been stuck in a droid...dunno, can sentient droids be jealous? anyway, they were trying to make supersoldiers by overloading people with cybernetics. it would've been perfect for me! Took a few months before i saw my chance. They finished designing one of the prototypes and went to attach all the mechanics to their subject. But something went wrong with the neural interface - the guy ended up brain-dead, nothing they could do for him, etc etc. So when they went to "dispose" the body, I sliced in. brought the cybernetic systems up after they left, planted a record of its complete incineration in the automated disposal system, and had the body follow me back to Tharan. Went back till they tried again just in case, and managed to get another one - gotta allow for some trial and error right?
I was crazy excited - here we were trying to build a body for me (even though we took the wrong approach) and the Republic just did half the work for us! Turns out, that was the day he found Holiday - a sentient holographic being. With her helping us, Tharan and I developed an implant that would basically work as a download link, so I could put myself in that half-cyber half-organic body. When I did, WHAM! Just the size of the human brain... trillions and trillioins and trillions of exabytes of RAM, it was incredible! And to think, humans don't even use half of this?!?! Really? And then there were the senses... olfactory, tactile, both brand new, I've never experienced anything quite like that first breeze i felt on my skin, the smell and taste of the air, all rushing in at once. It was...unreal. After 6 years, I finally achieved my dream...to become an organic. But now there was a whole galaxy to explore, and I was determined to explore it. Tharan helped me buy a ship - the owner was in some gambling trouble and needed cash - and I went on my way.
Then a few months ago while i was doing a run to Ord Mantell I found a squad from the sixth assault battalion. Definitely prefer the Republic's law enforcement to the Empire's so, I figured I'd help them out for a while.
Happy now, Computer?
--end entry--
recorded response: That will suffice, Captain. Thank you for your cooperation.
request? > update new_entry
--begin entry recording--
(You might as well, Xiv. I'm already recording.
What? Oh, fine. So, body got KUBARed by a sith. Yep, if I'd've been human I'd be dead now.
We were running weapons to the resistance on Balmorra. Everything seemed to be going fine, we had a clear-ish- path to the meet. Then outta nowhere these tentacles start popping up - five of them, black as the void and flowing like water ... wierd, evil sithy water - and grab my crew and our cargo. Don't know why they didn't get me too but then I had to watch as my crew's bodies were vaporized; those things left just their heads, wide-eyed and terrified, like some kind of sick trophies. Soon as the light fades from their eyes this sith steps out - redhead, glowing red eyes, hand up, the tentacles comin' outta a pool of mist in her palm, and looks around like she's inspecting her handiwork. Bad enough that she killed my whole crew in front of me, now she's almost gloating! Well I wasn't gonna have any of it so I jumped at her and stabbed my trusty knife straight through her neck. She turns around to look at me, startled, and stumbles toward me a bit; suddenly she grins this evil grin, and dies with that creepy smile on her face.
So, I turned around to see what she was smilin' at. And opening up behind me was this blue swirling vortex of "what the kriff". Out of that stepped another sith. She raised up her hand like she was grabbing something and I saw a ghost version of the first one shimmer in next to her. Then new sith mutters something in a wierd language and those tentacle things burst out of her other hand to wrap me up. I'm not stupid, as soon as I heard her say "You killed my apprentice," I knew I was next. So I shut my body down and transmited myself back to the Rozanne Star. Thank the maker for automated labs, I was able to get Tharan's lab to prep the other body for me. Hmm, Think I'll call her Pan. Anyway, on my way out of the lab I run into Giru - old pal of mine from the old days, I'll never forget how he got his name. He didn't want to figure something out with his production number like most of us did, he wanted a creative name. Well needless to say, we were having trouble with that. It's hard to come up with original names, ya know? But one day, he starts going on and on about fun syllables and ends up randomly spouting two of em all day: giii rrrruuuuu, giii rrruuuu. By the end of the day, Emi had gotten real tired of that; so, he goes "giru SHUT UP" Everyone stopped for a second, and then giru says, "Giru? hmm I like that. Giru Giru Giru.... GIRU!"
(Xiv, this is YOUR dossier, not mine!
Huh? Oh, heh, right. Anyway, Giru had always wanted to be a ship so I brought him back to the Star; we downloaded his ROM into the ship's computer and fried his old rusty chasis-
(Hey! It could still outrun you!
-and poof, Giru the ship. So now we're starting over, probably be building a probe droid for when giru feels like exploring. Heading to Tatooine now with a shipment of water vaporators. Hopefully the pirates in the area let us land safe.
Nothing. Just stop recording and update my name will ya? Pan.
--End recording--
request? > update name_change
new name? > Pan
updating data...
data updated.
>Incoming Transmission
>Loading Complete
>Source: SIS Command
>> Authorization Code: Aurek
>>Decoding Complete
>>From: Agent Kedrell
>>Subject: Verasi Dak'iir
>>Begin Message:
It must be nice having a Senator in your pocket who can
override a 'temporary leave' designation. Real good job on that one. Ruined our
best opportunity to grab "Sergeant" Dak'iir. Really made my day. But
seeing as how I'm such a good sport, I've decided to give you all a little look
at your new "recruit". Attached are some files you might find
interesting. I'm hoping you'll think long and hard on their contents. Enjoy.
>> Attachment Loaded
>>Personal Log: Agent Kedrell
>>Beginning Playback
"Well, our target certainly does have an interesting
history. Or lack thereof. It's rare we're able to find so little on a person's
past. This 'Verasi Dak'iir' is good at covering his tracks. That, or he has one
hell of a guardian angel. But before we get to the truely interesting stuff, a
brief history lesson is in order.
The first mention of Verasi Dak'iir was roughly 5 years ago.
Apparently an 18 year old Dak'iir just materialized at the Republic Recruitment
Center on Corellia one day. After he passed the routine physical, they shipped
him off to boot camp. And this is the part that got us interested in Mr.
Dak'iir. He didn't just graduate boot camp. He conquered it. I've never seen
reports quite like it. After two days he was teaching some of the instructors.
I've got over a dozen reports of his activities during training, my favorite
being the one where he nearly beat three
of the other cadets to death with his bare hands. Said they were making
"untoward advances" at one of the female cadets. But to make a long
story short, he came out top of his class. In everything.
Now, normally we would be happy to have such a fine recruit.
In fact, Army brass was ecstatic. Apparently no one but the SIS noticed the
obvious: no civilian could, or should, be that skilled of a soldier. The
explanation was, and still is, simple: Mr. Dak'iir had previous military
training AND combat experience. To test this theory, we sent some our combat
veterans back to basic. And lo and behold, they generated similar results. So
the next question was simple. Who trained Mr. Dak'iir? Our first guess was the
Exchange. They've been known to train child soldiers. Second guess was one of
the Hutt Cartels. And of course who could forget the possibility of him being a
plant from Sith Empire. We had three of our top agents sifting through the
holonet for 4 weeks trying to dig up anything about his past. And what did we
find? Only the information he had put on his enlistment forms. Nothing more,
nothing less.
With no proof of ill intent on his part and the Republic in
desperate need of seasoned fighters, we opted to wait and watch. And my was it
entertaining. After boot camp Private Dak'iir volunteered to serve in the 88th
Cold Assault Battalion, otherwise known as the 'Wampas'. For the next 4 years
we watched Dak'iir rise to the rank of Captain. Upon his promotion, he was
placed in charge of Strike Force Echo, one of the 88th's mechanized strike
forces. He and Echo saw action across a multitude of ice worlds, each time
managing to secure victory for the Republic.
Six months ago he and his Strike Force were sent to Landing
Point Kresh on Hoth. SIS reports indicated that an Imperial Battalion was
establishing a research base under the cover of the perpetual blizzard that
enveloped the area. Dak'iir and Echo were sent to recon the area and find the
base. Unfortunately for the Captain, he made a mistake. According to his
report, a week ago Echo received a message from the SIS indicating that
cruisers in orbit had spotted an Imperial patrol through a break in the storm. Dak'iir
and his men proceeded to the coordinates provided by the message, hoping to
ambush the Imperial patrol. What followed was tragedy. Now before continuing,
it should be noted that visibility is limited to 2 meters in the storm around
Landing Point Kresh, and communication is limited to intra-squad comms.
But back to the story. According to Dak'iir one of his newer
recruits caught a glimpse of movement in the storm and opened fire, thinking it
was the Imperials. Except it wasn't an Imperial patrol. It was one of Echo's squads.
Unable properly communicate across squads in the storm, Echo opened fire on
itself. After 5 minutes, and the deaths of 50 men and women, Captain Dak'iir
emerged as the only survivor. Funny how that works. A whole Strike Force manages to wipe itself
out completely, save one man.
Army brass is furious. Even though they're stupid enough to
believe Dak'iir's story, they need someone to blame. Word is they're gonna bust the Captain back down to Sergeant. But
that little incident? That's just what we need to act on our suspicions. "
>> Ending Playback
>>>> Attachment Loaded
>>Personal Log: Agent Kedrell
>>Beginning Playback
"We've got him. After all these years of watching,
we've finally got him. I've considered taking our info to Republic Command, but
my peers have advised against it. And eager as I am to see him exposed, they
have a point. We don't have enough hard evidence. As the only survivor, his
word is the ONLY thing that matters in Military Court. No one but him knows
what happened out there. What we do know is that no message was sent from the
SIS to Strike Force Echo. But a case could be made that the Imperials forged
the message; that the good Captain was set up. We need more intel about his
past. Or better yet, a confession from the man himself. And we've come up with
a plan to get just that.
After Captain Dak'iir's demotion to Sergeant, he's going to
be shipped off to Coruscant to explain Echo's little 'friendly fire' incident
in a military court. Apparently they want to hear it with their own ears. I've
managed to waylay their request by placing Sergeant Dak'iir on 'temporary
leave'. Little clerical errors like that happen all the time, so no one will
think much of it. More importantly, his status prevents him from leaving the
Republic Fleet Station. That should buy us enough time to extract him. And most
importantly, interrogate him."
>>Ending Playback
>Incoming Transmission…
>Source: Imperial Intelligence
>Message Type: Unencrypted. Global Broadcast
mercenary known as Mecharius
REWARD: 100,000 Credits
REASON: For the
murder of multiple Sith Lords
This is a global broadcast to any and all who are willing
to further the glory of the empire. Several Sith lords have been brutally
murdered by a mercenary known as Mecharius. He is believed to have had ties
with the Republic Military, and is considered very dangerous.
Mecharius is known to frequent hostile environments such
as Hoth, Tatooine, and Kashyyyk. He is a known big game hunter, so those
seeking him should find contacts with local hunters. It is suggested; however,
that Trandoshans are not consulted in finding Mecharius. It is believed that he
has some special connection with their kind and such questioning may lead to
his awareness and eventual escape.
>End Transmission
>Accessing Republic Military Database
>Searching “Mecharius”…
>2 Entries Found - Beginning Playback
Division: 88th Cold Assault Battalion
Personal Log Entry: Colonel Vallon
Subject: Specialist Mecharius
I keep getting complaints from the other men about
Mecharius. Yesterday they told me he reported back to base with armor covered
in blood. Said it was a Wampa he had killed with a Tauntaun tusk (I didn’t ask
what happened to the Tauntaun he probably forcibly ripped it off of). Said he
did it for the points or some nonsense like that. He’s always rambling on about
games and scorekeepers and whatnot. I thought you had to have scales to believe
that sort of thing? Though honestly I get the feeling he doesn’t actually care
all that much, he just wants an excuse to kill the big stuff.
It’s not the first time he has done something like this –
just last week I almost put the squad on clean-up duty up for another round
when the barrack halls reeked of death. I assumed they had been slacking on the
job until I discovered that our favourite Specialist had somehow managed to
haul in an entire ice cat. The thing was missing half its skin! Not to mention
the internals. I didn’t care to find out what was still inside. When I finally
caught up to him, he was stowing meat in the freezer and had several of its
claws attached to his belt, now reshaped into knives. I can’t blame his
enthusiasm for wanting the men to eat well in this wretched place, but at least
clean up the mess later!
Still, it is not my desire to be rid of him. He’s worth
the trouble, really. The man is never late to anything, and aside from Dak’iir
he is one of our most
disciplined… never even complains about the cold (he says
showing weakness is a sign of great dishonour).
But his most valuable point is that the man has killed more Sith Lords
on this planet than all the Hoth Regiments combined. If I didn’t know any
better I’d swear the man thinks they are sport like the animals he kills.
Strangely enough, he typically leaves all the Imps alive… only kills the ones
who get in the way. It’s not all that bad though, the Imps around here really
aren’t all that bad without their Sith overlords to threaten away their
>Log Ends
>Next Relative Entry
Division: 88th Cold Assault Battalion
Personal Log Entry: Colonel Vallon
Subject: Specialist Mecharius
Well, I don’t know whether to be happy that I won’t have
to worry about blood stains on the floor and complaining men anymore, or to be
sad to lose such a great fighter. Mecharius came to me today with his intent to
resign at the end of his term. He wouldn’t say much as to why, only one word:
I’m guessing it has to do with what happened the other
day. Mecharius had been tracking a Sith Lord through the plains after he led a
raid on one of our camps. Our men had managed to pin him down in an old star
ship with no way out. Just then, I was forced to call off the raid. Our
“beloved” Senator reportedly worked out a temporary cease fire with the Imps in
order to strike a deal with them instead.
Apparently, the Imperial Officer in charge of one of the
Battalions on Hoth was a Republic defector and childhood friend of the senator.
He had some incriminating evidence and was threatening to release it. The only
way that he agreed to not do so was under the condition that the Republic would
allow a cease fire long enough for the Imps on Hoth to resupply.
Of course, our Sith Lord friend heard the news and used
the opportunity to escape. He walked out onto the snow like one of those stuck
up Zeltrons at a fashion show, flaunting his new found diplomatic immunity.
According to the men, Mecharius was practically foaming at the mouth and had to
be restrained by five other squad members. They took all his ammunition and
refused to give it back until the cease fire had ended.
Mecharius literally hasn’t said a word until today when
he gave me the news. I just hope he uses his new found freedom to hunt that
Sith scum down. I’m still a patriot, but sometimes even I hate the way this
military has to bow to those who don’t have to live in the trenches.
>Log Ends
Constanteen does assignments for the Jedi
Counsel from time to time in the 100 years she worked for them. She found a way
through the Force to sustain her life with a very rare drug known as Bacorite
Constenteen and Peylan are agents for the Republic, researching on Sith activites and reporting back to the Jedi Counsel. They also have one to three Jedi Guardians to protect them when researching for information. Constenteen has come close to death a few times and if it wasn’t for the Guardians, she would have.
Constenteen lost her family a long time ago to a Sith Lord who died in the Mandorlain War’s. Peylan joined Cee a few years ago when she was working on a mission for the Counsel. Gerimya, Constenteen’s son, ask Peylan to stay with her and have become close friends. Peylan helps Cee to focus on the light of the Force but it’s becoming difficult to do anymore. Her hatred is legendary for the Sith though her dark side has consumed her when she loses her control. Constenteen has made friends with a Telo group and likes them, something she doesn’t experience much these days.
Constenteen knows she is not a strong Shadow warrior and works to improve her strength. She plays the High Society type, a cover for her, and will bother others with her love for Voss-red wine.
Constenteen and Peylan are agents for the Republic, researching on Sith activites and reporting back to the Jedi Counsel. They also have one to three Jedi Guardians to protect them when researching for information. Constenteen has come close to death a few times and if it wasn’t for the Guardians, she would have.
Constenteen lost her family a long time ago to a Sith Lord who died in the Mandorlain War’s. Peylan joined Cee a few years ago when she was working on a mission for the Counsel. Gerimya, Constenteen’s son, ask Peylan to stay with her and have become close friends. Peylan helps Cee to focus on the light of the Force but it’s becoming difficult to do anymore. Her hatred is legendary for the Sith though her dark side has consumed her when she loses her control. Constenteen has made friends with a Telo group and likes them, something she doesn’t experience much these days.
Constenteen knows she is not a strong Shadow warrior and works to improve her strength. She plays the High Society type, a cover for her, and will bother others with her love for Voss-red wine.
>Accessing Files: Kagern Vantorra
>Accessing Special Attributes File A7790: Sharpshooter, skilled in flying, smooth
>Accessing Extra Files
>Data Entry 095446:
>Personal Entry:
We did it Sharon. We
made enough credits for that upgrade we needed.
No one will ever be able to keep up with us while flying now! Next up,
improved guns! We just need more
credits, i'm working hard for us. You're
gonna be the best ship in space Sharon. I
>Data Entry O2219:
>Audio Recording from Orion Vantorra:
Hey son...I know I wasn't there for you while you were young,
and I haven't seen you since your mother died.
I just wanted to say that I love you son. I wish I could see my boy again, traveling
alone is the worst thing you can do.
Find yourself a good woman Kagern, treat her right and be there for your
children. Be the father I couldn't
be. This is the last time you will hear
from me Kagern, i'm being chased by the Republic for a deal that I had to do
for some credits. I'm not going to
outrun them, the credits are for you...I've lived my life son, and I regret not
being a part of yours. Please take the
credits and buy yourself a ship. The
credits will come to you from an old friend of our family, Noran. You remember him don't you? He took you on your first flight when you
were old enough...-Orions voice starts to crack from sadness as explosions can
be heard in the background-. Look son,
just know you were the greatest thing to happen to me....Take care, and take
care of your ship.... I love yo- -a
final explosion happens as the recording stops-
>End of entries: DELETE ALL?
>Command accepted: All Files
Personal File: Captain Samhill "Destos" Javiik
Age: 25
Homeworld: Dromuund Kaas (Adopted)
Unit: 158th Marine Recon Assault "Siege Breakers"
Biography: Much of Captain Javiik's early life is a mystery
due the circumstances surrounding his enlistment into the Republic Armed Forces
and his reluctance to discuss it. What is known, is that he was brought up the
adopted son of Chiss family on Dromuund Kaas. His family paid for expansive
military training in the hopes that one day he would bring great honor to his
parents as a famed military leader. Due to the <data expunged> he ended
up defecting to Republic forces, and was soon assigned to a specialist marine
unit renowned for it's ability to infiltrate just about installation, city, or
starship. Despite the brass's initial distrust of Samhill, he quickly earned
their trust during Operation: Veil, a high risk mission occurring on
<classified, all inquiries are to directed to SIS>, eventually reaching
his current rank of Captain of Broadsword company.
*Emergency broadcast intercepted on frequencies*
Sender: Captain Samhill Javiik
Location: Unknown
Date: <Classified>
Contents: "This is Captain Samhill Javiik, 158 MRA,
identification code <redacted> calling for help on all <message beings
to fade> ch*n**ls, we are ***** att*ck, sending g**nerl distress, status
report as follows: Cas**l***ties:95% ***quipment loss: 100% chanc*****surival
witho*** help: 0%.....<a mix of gunfire, expslosion, screams and static is
heard for several minutes before Captain Javiik resumes speaking> i
left......surrendering............<Message ends in static for 2 minutes.
Broadcasted on loop for 17 hours. We forces finally arrived on <classified>
they found a scene of carnage that one vetern discribed as "looks like
somebody fed a laxative to a sacrlac.>
Alert: Any units assigned to recovering Captain Javiik and the other survivors,
if any, of the 158th, are hereby warned to be EXTREMELY wary if they approached
by "stunning" or "cute" human female with blonde hair and
orange eye's inquiring about the status on their search for the Captain. If you
are approached by said female, you are to contact senator <classified>,
and await a join task force of Jedi, local police, an armed battalion, a
special forces squad, a SIS detachment, and 3 garbage disposal units, and to
assist them in apprehending the suspect. Survivors will be compensated
accordingly. <Should we leave this in?> <Probably not>
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