The Telosian League was created by the government of Telos IV to promote the planet within the Republic. The Jedi and the Republic are too caught up in the war to give Telos IV the aid it needs as it slides into extreme poverty. After its almost complete destruction at the hands of the Sith, Telos has become easy prey for Sith and criminals alike. We seek the support of soldiers, Jedi, mercenaries, merchants, politicians, and any citizen of the Republic willing to aid Telos and bring it back to its former glory among the Republic. Telos has been pushed around by the Exchange, the Cartel and the Sith. The Telosian League has set up several bases of operations around the galaxy in order to secure resources for itself.

The Imperial Reclamation Service SFD is an elite task force assembled under Overseer Evaron for the distinct purpose of infiltrating enemy held, dangerous or simply unknown areas to retrieve valuable artifacts. Its purpose is similar to the Reclamation Service itself, but with enough autonomy to allow it to recruit who it wants, and operate where it wants.

Republic Guild RP Story Recaps

1. Yassac, after pressure from the Jedi council steps down from his position but then leaves the Jedi Order entirely after strong disagreements on the war policies and rules of the jedi code. The ex-jedi council member and his old friend returns to his home planet of Telos IV. There he meets his old friend Tradon from the Republic Navy sky-troopers division on furlough. Seeing the fractured state the planet is still in after years upon years of failed rebuilding efforts, the two approach the Telosian government to offer their aid. 

They are sanctioned by the Telosian government to form the Telosian League in order to promote and defend the planet Telos IV. This League is not formally recognized by the Jedi or the Republic and are generally considered nothing more than a mercenary group even though most of the work they do is trying to gather support for Telos in the senate, Jedi council and republic military.


2. After months of failed recruiting Yassac helps set up a fund raiser at a Nar Shaddaa night club. There he meets Ismerriah, a young Jedi, just as he greets her he is surprised to see several mandalorians arrive, led by the mysterious Shea Vizsla who is in pursuit of the criminal. After a heated discussion on what weapons where allowed in the club, Yassac, Ismerriah and Shea Vizsla seek out and arrest a rodian crime lord. Ismerriah is moved by the plight of Telos and agrees to join.


3. While talking up the League at Carrick station cantina, Yassac meets the sleazy private investigator Raeler and the two quickly become friends over drinks. They are soon invited to a Nar Shaddaa apartment by the slightly deranged woman by the name of Nyrata. There they share drinks and stories and are joined by Tradon and Ismerriah later on. Yassac offers Raeler a contract to work for the Telosian League as internal security. The party is interrupted by a republic officer who demands to search the premises hearing about a disturbance. Nyrata is offended and nearly attacks the officer, but is stopped by Yassac before the situation got out of hand. Nyrata becomes an associate of the League, though her motives for doing so still remain unclear.


4. After receiving invitations to Yassac's Tatooine homestead he recently acquired, Tradon, Raeler, Nyrata and Ismerriah enjoy the large estate. They are interrupted by another appearance of Bo-Katàn who appears on the perimeter with a company of mandalorians. After a near altercation with Tradon, Yassac negotiates with Shea Vizsla and discovers she is seeking a base to mount an assault on Geonosis. The two are in the process of working out a mutual ownership of the homestead when Yassac is suddenly struck by a very strong sleep dart. 

With mandalorians on the perimeter fingers get pointed at Shea Vizsla who denies any involvement in the attack on Yassac. Tensions run high as the remaining members try to find the culprit. Ismerriah is taken hostage by a masked intruder and injected with a deadly ancient Sith nano-virus that starts to attach to her brain. Not taking any chances now that two people have been attacked, Shea moves her forces into the homestead and sets up an entire military base, any disagreements the League members had with Shea become pointless now that her army had them surrounded. The League members agree to peacefully disperse and Yassac is taken to Anchorhead for medical treatment.


5. Waking up in the Anchorhead cantina several days later, Yassac finds a report on the recent work Tradon has done recruiting for the League and also a message from the Jedi Council, saying to except the Jedi Bryder. Yassac leaves the cantina to find Shea Vizsla and Bryder with weapons drawn on each other right outside. Yassac quickly diffuses the situation as they are joined by Nyrata, Ismerriah and newly recruited Vish-kala. Inside Bryder informs the League that they are under investigation by the Jedi Council and Bryder is going to attach to the League to carry out this investigation. The league members are outraged by this and threats are hurled at Bryder. Yassac struggles to keep the peace until Bryder mentions that the Jedi Council also wanted to reclaim their old academy in the snowy peaks of Telos. Yassac informs everyone that this is the true purpose of the Jedi Council; to acquire long forgotten knowledge and weapons of Master Atris that had been lost years ago in the Dark Wars.

Yassac notices Shea watching the drama play out and takes her aside to speak. Yassac offers her a partnership between the Telosian League and Shea's clan. He also offers her a mission to infiltrate the Telos jedi academy in order steal the weapons and subvert the Jedi Council. To Yassac's surprise Shea reveals she is actually a clan of mandalorians allied with the republic and she is weary of taking the mission. Suddenly Ismerriah becomes very ill, as the nano-virus she has been injected with previously had become more powerful. The League members frantically try to heal Ismerriah to no avail. Yassac recognizes this as ancient Sith magic and pleads with Shea to go to Telos and find the holocrons stored there in order to discover a cure for Ismerriah. Yassac even allows Shea's clan to keep and/or destroy the holocrons once they had found the cure. Shea agrees as long as Yassac keeps his League under control. As Bryder tries to heal Ismerriah, Nyrata and Vish, become very suspicious of him. Yassac returns to the group and makes a decree; that any member who threatens another member of the League would be removed from the League or worse. Yassac also extended this protection to Bryder. Ismerriah awakens, the madness of the Sith virus subsiding for now.


6. At a gathering at Nar Shaddaa Shea Viszla reveals her mission was a success. She and a team had infiltrated the temple on Telos and stole the jedi and sith artifacts. She and her clan destroyed most of the artifacts per the agreement with Yassac. But she sold some of the data on the black market. This money was then given to Yassac. At the Nar Shaddaa night club, Shea brought one remaining holocron to Yassac. Upon seeing it Yassac recoiled from it sensing a great darkness eminating from it. Shea couldn't sense of it but the power of the holocron was so strong it was affecting the newly recruited jedi, Lokee. Yassac urged Shea to remove the holocron and it was taken away for safe keeping. 

Later in the night more of the League members had arrived, many of them fresh recruits. Bryder also attended the party but he came with bad news. He had been expelled from the order after the Jedi found the Telos temple had been broken into. Seeing the opportunity to make a rival into a full ally, Yassac offered Bryder the permanent position of League artificer and medical coordinator. The rest of the night the League partied until wearied. But the festivities were interrupted when the League Jedi Nyrata was found dead. Yassac kept this information for only his top officers but it was clear the hidden threat was still hunting them and was getting bolder.


7. On the planet of Tython, Bryder summoned the League for a secret meeting. Yassac, Lokee, Vish'kala, Mar'cos and Shea Vizsla attended. There Bryder revealed he had been traveling for some time gathering datacrons and he brought several with him in order to show them their knowledge. The group found a cave away from prying eyes and there they consulted one of the datacrons. They beseeched the datacron for information regarding Ismerriah's virus. The datacron did not give any more than a clue. It confirmed Yassac's fears that they needed to consult the tainted sith holocron that Shea had found or search some other sith refuge of knowledge. This would require a jedi to commune with the dark side. 

Lokee volunteered for this under Bryder's guidance and became his charge. This disturbed Yassac and he strongly advised against it. Against his and Bryder's better judgement there appeared to be no other solution. While Bryder and Yassac discussed this a debate broke out between Lokee and Vish'kala over the sanctity of animal life. Yassac and Bryder broke up the fight and using a peculiar method of training Yassac made Lokee and Vish hug. Later on Bryder seeking to improve on Yassac's leadership methods, hired a service droid to aid him in finances along with a budget for the League.


8. On Nar shaddaa, the Crime Lord Giovanii owns the club that Yassac uses for his League gatherings. Giovanii comes across the smuggler Moofie hires her to steal a shipment of spice from the hutts. But not long after this occurs Shea Viszla and her troops invade Giovanii's club. Giovanii quickly hires both Mar'cos and Moofie as temporary body guards as Bo-katan and clan Vizsla storm the club. The mandlorians order Giovanii to surrender his crime ring to their clan. Giovanii refuses, saying he doesn't serve anyone but himself. After some nearly deadly negotiation the clan and Gio agree to a partnership. 

Later on Moofie starts the job for Giovanii. A young man by the name of Ralph who works for Giovanii joins Moofie in order to keep an eye on her for Giovanii. Moofie slices into a terminal to find the hutt's spice shipment. As the leave to retrieve it they spot a massive creature by the name of Embiid following them. Ralph takes a swing at Embiid but to everyone's surprise Embiid bites his nose and starts eating it. Ralph urges Moofie to run right before Embiid bites at his throat and kills him but then starts eating his flesh. As Moofie makes a hasty escape, two imperials a sith Tazmi and a mandalorian Telok begin to investigate the grizzly scene as Embiid chases after Moofie. After taking refuge in the red light district Moofie sends out a distress call to the League. Yassac, and Dak'iir respond. Upon finding Moofie she quickly uses them to cover her while she sneaks some of the spice away. 

They return to Giovanii's club and find Telok and Tazmi there as well, they had tracked Emiid there. They search the club and find Bo-katan and Embiid fighting. Embiid overpowers Shea easily and throws her into the wall. The others surround him and demand to know who he is working for. The creature does not understand and only complains about still being hungry for Moofie. Shea gets up and charges at the creature with her darksaber. Embiid catches her hand and headbutts the mando right in the helmet, so hard that it knocks her unconscious. Embiid then picks up her body and throws it at the others. The creature makes a retreat for the landing pad and escapes. Yassac then is formally introduced to Telok and Tazmi who are actually imperials interested in aiding Telos, since they are unhappy with the empire. Yassac accepts their help but cannot formally accept them into the League. Upon investigating the creature Embiid they find a lead they can follow and hopefully find who sent the creature after Moofie.


9. Tradon receives a message from an acquaintance who was part of the government of Chandrilia. The League was invited to attend the coronation ball for a princess of Chandrilia. Surprised at the request Yassac meets with the princess's cousin and her bodyguard. Chandrilia is seeking potential allies around the galaxy and they had been impressed with what the League had done for Telos so far. Yassac accepted the invitation and gathered up those in the League willing to go. Among these was, Shea Vizsla, Ismeriah, Moofie, Mar'cos, Tel, Zarynah and Dak'iir. Upon arrival Yassac attempted to keep his people in line, having them dress formally and act in accordance with the high class event. 

Though his League quickly looked like the odds one out at the luxurious ball. Upon being shown the main ballroom, nearly the entire League had started raiding the liquor cabinet. When the coronation had begun the League gather along with the other party members. Tel and Zarynah had gotten confused and kneeled instead of standing during the coronation. Moofie in line in front of them followed suit and Yassac in front of her did the same. After receiving a few stares Shea elbowed Yassac telling him to get up as she was the only one of his associates in attendance that knew court manners. Yassac and the rest quickly got back up. Moofie watched as a very expensive jeweled tiara was placed on the princess's head. Mesmerized by the jewels she tried for the rest of the night to steal it but the others held her back. 

Yassac met with the princess who was in fact also the senator for Chandrilia. He informed her the plight of Telos and the two forged an alliance between the two systems securing food for Telos and defenses for Chandrilia. Shea also asked the princess to send aid to Mandalore but her request was denied. However Tel had received some data on imperial supply lines and offered it to the mandalorian. Shea quickly sent her warships after these supplies.


10. On their Tatooine base Yassac was introduced to the mercenary explosive expert Sabine who was desperately looking for work. Seeing an opportunity to utilize this new skill Yassac gathered several league members like, Tradon, Dak'iir and Moofie as he briefed them about a nearby imperial outpost in the dune sea. Yassac wanted to raid the base since it had been recently been receiving more shipments thanks to disruptions of imperial supply lines via Shea's raiders. Yassac, Dak'iir and Moofie scouted the base and found a walled encampment with a large landing pad. Dak'iir called in a favor and was able to get a mandalorian friend of his to give Yassac data on the imperial troop movements and attack response drills. 

That night the attack began with Sabine infiltrating the compound and setting explosives on imperial fighters and the gate. Moofie then came in for a bombing run and took out the communciations tower while Sabine timed her explosives with Moofie's run. All this was a distraction as Yassac took, Dak'iir, Mar'cos and Almist inside to break into the compound's supply bunker. Tradon came in with reinforcements and a small fleet of speeders and manned skiffs which they quickly loaded the stolen supplies into while under fire. However Sabine alerted the crew to two imperial frigates that had responded suspiciously fast to the raid that were now baring down on their position. Moofie was quickly attacked by imperial fighters and had to break off. Yassac and the rest of the League sped out of the compound with all their speeders being chased by imperials on the ground and in the air. More imperial ground reinforcements had somehow found their rendezvous point and force the speeders to split up and meet at another location. 

When the speeders had gathered up again after escaping the imperials they found they were unable to contact Moofie. They raced back to thier base to attempt to find Moofie's ship. After receiving a garbled message about being under attack Yassac made his way to the hanger about to launch his starfighter to aid her. However just as he was Moofie's very damaged ship rocketed for their base's main tower about to hit it. Those inside leapt out but Moofie managed to pull up just in time, and then landed. Moofie made it out undamaged but she was very upset by her damaged ship. Yassac promised to help her repair the ship. While going over all the loot they had found they met a robed figure that had followed them from the raid. He had been chasing a bounty hunter when he happened upon the League operation. Yassac informed the man about the League's goals and the man revealed he was a former jedi like Yassac and gladly joined the League.


11. While on Tatooine Yassac and his guardsmen, Tradon and Dak'iir are approuched by the Queen of Naboo in disguise. She had heard about the Telosian League's dealings with Chandrilia and requested their assistance. Yassac was cautious at first but when they found that Naboo was in a civil war for the crown Yassac agreed to help. The League began an investigation into who were the inciters of the unrest on Naboo. The queen asked to stay at Yassac's stronghold as she was not safe on Naboo.

Yassac, Tradon and Dak'iir traveled to Coruscant to meet with Raeler to start the investigation. They happened upon a mandalorian woman who was stopped by security. The woman shot sleep darts at the security guard and was about to run when Yassac and company stood in her way. She said her name was Bo-Katan and tried explaining her situation but she was very apparently lost. With the guards coming the three were about to leave her to be arrested as Bo-katan pleaded with them to help her escape. At that time Moofie had arrived as well. Recognizing a valuable opprotunity Moofie asked about Bo-katan's mandalorian ship. Moofie and Yassac negotiated Moofie stripping enough parts for repairs to Moofie's damaged ship. Bo-katan reluctantly agreed and Moofie smuggled the mandolorian out of Coruscant and Bo-katan agreed to join the League. 

They returned to their Tatooine stronghold. They they met Mecharious a friend of Dak and a mercenary who believed in the Trandoshan goddess the Scorekeeper as he was well versed with Dosha culture. They were discussing this when Yassac spotted a small group of sand people outside the base. Upon further investigation they discovered their perimeter sensors were not functioning and the small group was actually a much larger group than they originally thought. Yassac scrambled all defenses. Dak'iir, Tradon, and Mecharious rushed to the perimeter to hold off the sand people. Moofie ran for her ship to defend it. Yassac and Dreiden investigated the non functional sensors. They discovered that they had been sabotaged. Dreiden went to fix the sensors as Yassac joined in the defense. What started as a skirmish changed into a full battle as a whole clan of sand people started attacking the stronghold. Tradon and Dreiden fell wounded in battle, forcing Dak'iir, Mecharious and Moofie to hold off the sand people. Fortunatly Bo-katan and a few other mandalorians arrived and started attacking the sand people from behind. Constenteen also arrived to help defend. Moofie powered up the guns on her ship and began shooting the sand people down. Dak'iir also fell wounded so Yassac ordered a final push. Moofie barraged the enemy as Constenteen. Yassac and the mandolorians charged at the sand people. The clan retreated and the stronghold was saved.



12. Lokee the young Padawan of Bryder, was startled out of her reverie as her comm chirped to life, a signal not strong and kinda garbled but originated on Tython, as her ship was nearing the planet. Lokee couldn't respond, it was a recorded message, asking for help and mentioning that an unknown figure "is coming." Lokee also received coordinates and that is when she sent out the call for assistance herself, " never go into the unknown alone" one of the few things her old master imparted onto her before his demise, seeing as he disobeys his own wisdom she would not make the same mistake.

Lokee and her reinforcements arrived on Tython, Arima'micto the Freelancer, Constenteen, Peylan and Ismerriah came as well. The Mandolorain, Bo-Katan, who had been listening in on the transmission came to check it out. They all arrived and Lokee told them of the Strangeness of this feeling and how she is pulled, she even sees a pathway leading her out of the temple, she asked them all to follow her. They reached the steps Lokee fell down a the temple stairs. It was apparent Lokee had trouble focusing and Lokee reported feeling a presence. After that the group mounted up on speeders and journeyed into the ruins of Kaleth. It was there that Lokee fell to her knees and screamed her body went into convulsions. Suddenly a  male voice echoed from Lokee saying, "I have her now such a nice toy it's been so long" the being called itself Traythor. A droid approached the group saying " The darkness is here, I can not protect it any longer, take it from his grasp, " then it is sliced in two by the possessed Lokee. The rest of the group panics and does not know what to do.  

The being in Lokee then frozen and seemed to be under attack by an unseen force. Bo he was standing behind Lokee about to attack with the Dark saber but it seems to be drawing out the being,to the point that it yelled "You will make her stop and she may live." But the mandolorain remained still, holding the darksaber towards Lokee.  Lokee then screams in pain in her own voice, she writhed about and managed to point up the hill, " Please, the Holocron, Get it please" she then collapsed, completely still. Bo turned off the darksaber and checked on Lokee, as the others go about climbing the hill, retrieve the holocron. Lokee comes to. After Lokee is told what happened she grew more unsure about her abilities and how easy it was for this presence to find her and take her over. 

The group then returned to the temple Lokee and take the holocron to the collection Bryder has amassed.


The newly promoted Dak’iir Calls League members to the Tatooine base for a briefing, His plan was to teach the less professional members discipline and physical training in a hostile environment.

The members Show up to the Tatoonine base ready to begin. However the young Freighter captain Moofie was quite opposed to this venture. After a great deal of persuasion She agreed to go along. The plan was to head to Hoth to undergo rigorous training to teach the member how to hunt kill cook food and survive.

After a hunting and cooking lesson taught by Dak and their new found Mandalorian ally Bo-katan Kryze, a urgent message came in from republic command , A patrol went missing a few miles out of republic territory , after searching for hours the group stumbles upon a pile of Shredded corpses , at first it looked like they were killed by Wampas but after closer inspection the true killer was found A Trandosian bounty hunter that was hiding in the ranks of a White maw raiding party just two clicks to the west.        

Dak’iir and Mecharius end the training to hunt this bounty hunter. Yassac, Tradon and Constenteen arrive to join the training only too late. They find an unhappy Moofie and without hearing word from Dak’iir and Mech, they return to the republic base and enjoy the cantina while they await communication from Dak and Mech. Later on the League hears back from the hunters only to find their search was fruitless after a long chase through the frozen plains. The League then leaves hoth until further notice.


At the Tatooine base Yassac, Tradon, Samhill, Constanteen, Peylan, Ismerriah and Narral gathered for another routine meeting. Narral introduced himself as a marshal from a nearby Tatooine village. Yassac proposed a partnership between the League's base and Narral in order to keep the peace since the sand people had increased their aggression. While they were discussing this a young woman had snuck into the base and curiously introduced herself to the others. She claimed to be looking for Samhill who had just left the base. The others inquired at how she got in and what her intentions were for Samhill. She claimed she was his sister and when it seemed apparent she meant Samhill harm the others tried to detain her. They approuched her and asked Narral to arrest her. This was when she flew into a rage. Dark powers emanated from her revealing her as some kind of force user. However her powers were unlike typical jedi or sith. She began speaking with a voice as if possessed. Seeing sith possession before, Constanteen, Peylan, Ismerriah a Yassac surrounded her trying to subdue her with the force. When it seemed clear she would not comply the jedi drew their lightsabers ready to attack. Just before they did, Yassac ordered all of them to stand down. Having experience with sith spirits in the past Yassac recognized this as not being a real sith possession but the ravings of a woman gone mad. The jedi subdued the woman and Narral put shockcuffs on her and took her to a cell to recover. 

Seeing that these jedi matters were becoming an increasing problem, Yassac begudgingly created a Jedi circle in within the Telosian League in order to guide force users in the League and have a group of force experts ready to deal with any force related issues that arise within or against the League. It was decided the Jedi inner circle members would be Yassac, Constanteen, Peylan, Bryder, Lokee and Ismerriah.



Yassac calls Mecharious and Pan to a secret meeting on Nar Shaddaa. Yassac had been contacted by the republic with a mission they needed done quickly and discreetly. The republic senator of Corellia had become controled by a powerful armsdealer on Nar Shaddaa, this armsdealer was blackmailing the senator with damning information. The republic had made deals with this armsdealer in the past and if word had gotten out about the senator or the republic dealings with a criminal it could look very bad for the republic. 

The republic called on the Telosian League to handle this matter hoping to not involve themselves any more. Yassac sent Pan to take a prototype republic arms shipment to this armsdealer as a ruse to steal back the info on the republic senator. Yassac sent Mecharius with to guard her. Along the way they met Dak'iir and Samhill on a republic patrol. They stopped Pan and Mech, curious at their business on Nar Shaddaa. While they were explaining it was for the Telosian League they were attacked by a mercenary and a battle droid. The four managed to scare the mercenary off but it was clear that the weapons were hot, and the mission needed to be completed quickly. Samhill begrudgingly agreed to help their friends despite the shady business, however Dak'iir refused. 

The three took the arms shipment to the armsdealer in a cantina. Pan was able to get in close to the dealer. There they saw Narral enjoying a drink, but had really been following the arms shipment. Mech and Samhill opened fire on the armsdealer's body guards. Pan took cover with the armsdealer, getting him to drop his guard to her. She then struck him from behind and after a fight through the cantina, they knocked out the armsdealer and completed the mission.  They returned to Yassac with the senator's blackmail information. After secretly coping the information for themselves as precaution Yassac returned the data to the republic but only in return for the republic requisitioning a republic warship for the defense of Telos.



Yassac called a meeting about troubling news. Constanteen and Peylan join Yassac at the tatooine base. Yassac reveals that their old freinds, Raeler and Bryder had been found dead in an exploded Coruscant apartment. The bodies were barely identifiable but it was confirmed it was Raeler and Bryder. The bodies were burned almost beyond recognition and then had wounds consistent with a lightsaber or blaster. The three argued about who could have done this especially so soon after the creation of their jedi circle. Losing Bryder was a major blow to the jedi leadership of that circle. The topic of a leak within the League was addressed and it became clear that an investigation had to be conducted. With republic investigators not cooperating with the Telosian League, Yassac wearily called the only neutral investigators he had contact.Yassac asked Narral to contact the mandalorian clan Lorek. Yassac, Constanteen and Peylan met Adego and Ertorn at a Nar Shaddaa cantina. Yassac explained the situation and provided the clan could keep this confidential, Yassac would hire the clan to investigation this murder on behalf of the League. Adego agreed but charged an exorbitant fee. Yassac agreed to his terms hoping this investigation would not find is own people had turned against him and killed Bryder and Raeler.


At Giovanii's club Yassac is called to meet with Adego again for an update on the investigation. Constanteen joins him for protect and to satisfy her own curiousity about the murder. Adego arrives and reveals that clan investigation had uncovered another body killed in the same manner, but found in the wasteland of hoth this time. Yassac desparately interrogated Adego as to the identity of the body but Adego refused to reveal this until Ertorn spilled that it was a member of the Imperial Reclamtions. Sensing a plot from his father Evaron, Yassac wildly accused the clan of working for Evaron. Adego refused to indulge Yassac's accusations and continued his report explaining that it was certain that all three bodies were killed by a jedi of some sort though why Raeler and Bryder were left on Coruscant to be found and the Reclamation's body hidden on hoth remained to be seen. Adego would continue investigation but Yassac warned him that if the Imperial Reclamations was involved Evaron was sure to have a hand in this. 

The Telosian League was once again invited by the Government of Chandrila to attend the Princess Coriya's birthday party. Seeing an opprotunity to garner more influence throughout the republic Yassac eagerly attended invited Constenteen and Pashee to come along with...but then also forced Dak'iir to come with as well. Though to Yassac's surprised Mecharius desired to come with too, Yassac agreed provided he could behave. The five arrived at the party and Yassac met with leaders of House Lorien and House Irasa in addition to the princess of Chandrila. Meanwhile Constenteen and Pashee mingled with the other guests while Dak and Mech inspected the defenses of the coruscant building area. For her birthday present, Yassac gave the princess rare Alderaan snow berries, then Mech gave the princess a dagger he had killed a sith lord with. The princess graciously accepted both, though it was unknown if she actually appreciated them or was just being polite.


Yassac gathered Dak'iir, Constenteen, and Moofie at a cantina on Rishi. Impressed with the planet's potential, Yassac announced his intentions to push League influence on the planet. To Dak'iir, he gave the task of establishing an outpost, to Cee, the task of discovering outcast Jedi on the planet, and to Moofie, he gave the task of establishing contacts with the underworld there. Dak'iir had reservations about shifting forces, as he was currently dealing with attacks on Telos itself. Mandolorian raiders had been attacking the starting settlements on the surface of Telos while pirates attacked the space around the planet.

Determined to keep a presence on Rishi, Yassac asked Moofie to enlist the aid of her smuggler contacts to help defend Telos (for a price, of course). Later that day on Telos, Yassac was approached oddly in person by Adego. The mando nervously gave a report on the Raeler Bryder investigation. Apparently, the muders seemed to have been commited by a mysterious assassin known as the Wraith, a warrior deadly enough to have forced whole mandolorian clans to stop hunting him just from the number of warriors he had killed. This gave Yassac pause, but emboldened by finally learning who killed his friends, Yassac asked Adego to help him prepare to fight The Wraith.

A few days later, Yassac, Dak'iir, Cee, and Moofie were approached by Ertorn at their Tatoonine base. Ertorn had come to warn them The Wraith was likly on his way. The others were hesitant to believe him until Dak'iir's warning sensors went off. Yassac called a lockdown and the group moved to the underground part of the base along with Ertorn who agreed to help fortify their position.
Dak'iir called some of his newly trained elite men, the Telosian Rangers.
Dak'iir and his men secured the hanger while the others waited for the Wraith to attack. 

It wasn't until Yassac lost contact with Dak'iir that they decided to search for the Wraith themselves. Yassac, Moofie, Cee, and Ertorn cautiously investigated Dak'iir's disappearance in the hanger. They found the hangar empty, but strange electrical disturbances were going on. While they were hearing whispers and strange noises on their comms, the Wraith suddenly appeared. The four tried to attack it, but it would disappear each time they tried. The situation became frantic as it was becoming apparent they couldn't hit their elusive foe. Things became dire when the Wraith appeared and stabbed Yassac in the back with a poisoned blade that put him to sleep. Inhuman screams then filled the hangar. Moofie was quick to attend Yassac using her skills as a combat medic. Upon losing their leader, they called a panicked retreat to Moofie's ship. Ertorn helped Moofie carry Yassac to the ship as Cee tried to coax the Wraith out of hiding. Yassac, Moofie, and Ertorn flew to Nar Shaddaa and were eventually met there by Dak'iir who had gotten locked in a ship while his men were killed outside. Yassac awoke in pain but alive thanks to Moofie. Ertorn gave Moofie a datapad with information he had gathered on the Wraith, while asking the league to contact him if there were any further signs of the Wraith. After Ertorn left, Dak'iir returned to the Tatoonine base to meet Cee with reinforcements while Yassac recovered with Moofie's aid. The League had reclaimed their base, but there was no further sign of the Wraith for the time being...

On Nar Shaddaa, Dak'iir and Aryn were having their wedding ceremony at a special venue that Aryn had put together. Constenteen and Mecharius were in attendence while Moofie used her captain status to conduct the wedding. While they were in the middle of their vows, a mysterious Sith Lord named Yessek came in clapping his hands and interrupting the ceremony. The situation quickly escalated as suddenly imperial troops appeared outside on the balcony and rushed into the room. The troops were led by an Imperial Commando named Voldorius, who came down from the roof on a jetpack. Mecharius tried to shoot Yessek at that point, but was force pushed out the window and into the Nar Shaddaa skyline below.

Yessek began interrogating and force choking Dak'iir, demanding to know the location of Yassac. Aryn the pulled out a lightsaber and the two began to duel. Meanwhile, Voldorius began dueling with Cee and Moofie, the latter of whom he eventually had incapacitated, and Cee became distracted in a duel with Yessek, while Voldorius was attacked by Aryn. Voldorius knocked Aryn to the ground and stunned her, while Yessek subdued Cee. The troopers then took the four league members to Yeseek's prison facility. 

At the prison, Voldorius began interrogating Aryn about Yassac. At the same time, Adego Lorek entered the base and began dueling with Yessek in an attempt to save Dak'iir. Yessek eventually defeated Adego, and threw him into a cell with everyone except Dak'iir (who had been placed in a separate area). Yessek then began to talk about torturing Adego, before mentioning his true purpose - to use the league members as bait for Yassac.

Suddenly the alarms went off, and believing that Yassac had finally arrived, Yessek ran out to fight him. In the middle of the chaos, an agent named Boreas appeared behind Voldorius and incapacitated him. Boreas moved into the prison cell and started trying to persuade the people to follow him. While he did so, Voldorius slowly regained consciousness, slapped his hand on the intruder alarm, and used his jetpack to flee from the large group of now free and armed prisoners. Boreas told them all to get to the hangar, and when they did they were greeted by Evaron and Ertorn, who were working with Boreas and Adego to get the prisoners out. Evaron got everyone else out while Ertorn and Adego saved Dak'iir from his separate cell. 

Back at the Tatooine base, Ertorn brought Dak'iir, who was still regaining consciousness, to the rest of the league members. Ertorn then disappeared, as Evaron began to explain to everyone who he was and why he had saved them. Evaron explained that he was a Sith Lord who was not only the father of Yassac, but also the creator of Yessek. He created Yessek through the combined skills Sith Alchemy and Dathomir witchcraft. The creature Yessek was created for the purpose of protecting Evaron and his wife. Everon intended to control the creature but Yessek had turned out to be a sentient and intelligent being very powerful in the force. The creature quickly turned on Evaron and killed his wife. Evaron has been running from the creature ever since. In the meantime Yessek has become more powerful and gathered an imperial powerbase that he now commands.

Yassac had disowned his father because of this, and wanted nothing to do with him. He called Evaron over the holo, and ordered the league members to kill Evaron. However, the league did not listen to Yassac, as they felt they could trust Evaron due to the fact that he had just saved all of them. Yassac urged the League to not trust Evaron, explaining that the sith was very manipulative and was in fact the reason Yassac was not able to attend the wedding in the first place after Evaron had sent his reclamation forces to delay Yassac. Yassac said he would be there soon, which prompted Evaron to go ahead leave before he arrived.  Evaron said he would try to stay in touch and that only the combined efforts of the League and the Reclamations SFD could counter Yessek's rising power.

Yassac decided the league would focus on killing Yessek for the time being, and they began to plan how they might do this...

1 comment:

  1. 14. Constantine does assignments for the Jedi Counsel from time to time in the 100 years she worked for them. She found a way through the Force to sustain her life with a very rare drug known as Bacorite C.
    Constenteen and Peylan are agents for the Republic, researching on Sith activites and reporting back to the Jedi Counsel. They also have one to three Jedi Guardians to protect them when researching for information. Constenteen has come close to death a few times and if it wasn’t for the Guardians, she would have.
    Constenteen lost her family a long time ago to a Sith Lord who died in the Mandorlain War’s. Peylan joined Cee a few years ago when she was working on a mission for the Counsel. Gerimya, Constenteen’s son, ask Peylan to stay with her and have become close friends. Peylan helps Cee to focus on the light of the Force but it’s becoming difficult to do anymore. Her hatred is legendary for the Sith though her dark side has consumed her when she loses her control. Constenteen has made friends with a Telo group and likes them, something she doesn’t experience much these days.
    Constenteen knows she is not a strong Shadow warrior and works to improve her strength. She plays the High Society type, a cover for her, and will bother others with her love for Voss-red wine.


Telos Surface

Telos Surface