The Telosian League was created by the government of Telos IV to promote the planet within the Republic. The Jedi and the Republic are too caught up in the war to give Telos IV the aid it needs as it slides into extreme poverty. After its almost complete destruction at the hands of the Sith, Telos has become easy prey for Sith and criminals alike. We seek the support of soldiers, Jedi, mercenaries, merchants, politicians, and any citizen of the Republic willing to aid Telos and bring it back to its former glory among the Republic. Telos has been pushed around by the Exchange, the Cartel and the Sith. The Telosian League has set up several bases of operations around the galaxy in order to secure resources for itself.

The Imperial Reclamation Service SFD is an elite task force assembled under Overseer Evaron for the distinct purpose of infiltrating enemy held, dangerous or simply unknown areas to retrieve valuable artifacts. Its purpose is similar to the Reclamation Service itself, but with enough autonomy to allow it to recruit who it wants, and operate where it wants.

Imperial SFD Uniforms

This page is for those wanting to role play as an Imperial Military member of the SFD. It does not apply to mercs, sith, or neutral characters, though that does not prohibit such characters from making use of this also. Mainly, the idea is here that someone RPing as an Imperial should look the part, so we have created our own uniform scheme to follow to this end.

Please also note: this is just a heavy suggestion for RP purposes. It is NOT a requirement for such character in our guild.

Because the SFD is an autonomous branch of the Imperial Reclamation Service, it was decided that the SFD would also have their own uniform code to set them apart from normal Reclamation personnel. There are four main options:

Field Uniform

The field uniform is intended to be practical, while still displaying clearly the loyalties of the wearer in a professional manner. Other variations of this outfit may be used involving different tunics and pants, but it should still retain the same feel and professionalism yet practicality.

This uniform is achieved using the Classic Spymaster's tunic with the Clandestine Officer pants. Both of these sets are cartel items and are adaptive armor. The field uniform is useful for characters who can only equip light armor. Either the brown or gray variant may be used. The following dye configurations are listed to give you the cheapest access to the proper colors. Other shades of gray and brown are also allowed. 

Left Picture: both the tunic and pants use a secondary pale brown dye

Right Picture: Tunic: primary medium gray dye, Pants: secondary pale brown dye 

Dress Uniform

For Lower Officers (Major and below) - In order to be called a dress uniform, the uniform MUST be an actual imperial uniform like the following picture. There are several options which can be used for this uniform which is available to any character that can equip medium armor. (Bounty Hunters and Juggernauts could also consider the Lower Officer Dress Uniform as an out of combat uniform, since it is only medium armor and they wear heavy).

Several options can be found on this page here

The following dye configuration is listed to give you the cheapest access to the proper colors. Other shades of brown are also allowed. 

Tunic: Light Brown and Pale Gray Dye
Pants: Black and Dark Red Dye

For Higher Officers (Colonel and upwards) - Like the Lower Officer Uniform, in order to be called a dress uniform, the uniform MUST be an actual imperial uniform like the following picture. There are several options which can be used for this uniform which is available to any character that can equip medium armor. (Bounty Hunters and Juggernauts could also consider the Lower Officer Dress Uniform as an out of combat uniform, since it is only medium armor and they wear heavy). An adaptive armor set is available as a Cartel Market item called the Clandestine Officer Uniform. Unfortunately, this particular set is also very expensive. 

Cheaper, Medium armor options can also be found at the same page as above

The following dye configuration is listed to give you the cheapest access to the proper colors. Other shades of brown are also allowed.  Alternatively, one may choose to wear a brown tunic with their choice of marking colors rather than the gray with brown shown above.

Tunic: Secondary Pale Brown Dye
Pants: Black and Dark Red Dye

A Final Note 

some members of the SFD are able to craft certain of these sets. Others are also available as heroic rewards. If you need help, just ask.

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