The Telosian League was created by the government of Telos IV to promote the planet within the Republic. The Jedi and the Republic are too caught up in the war to give Telos IV the aid it needs as it slides into extreme poverty. After its almost complete destruction at the hands of the Sith, Telos has become easy prey for Sith and criminals alike. We seek the support of soldiers, Jedi, mercenaries, merchants, politicians, and any citizen of the Republic willing to aid Telos and bring it back to its former glory among the Republic. Telos has been pushed around by the Exchange, the Cartel and the Sith. The Telosian League has set up several bases of operations around the galaxy in order to secure resources for itself.

The Imperial Reclamation Service SFD is an elite task force assembled under Overseer Evaron for the distinct purpose of infiltrating enemy held, dangerous or simply unknown areas to retrieve valuable artifacts. Its purpose is similar to the Reclamation Service itself, but with enough autonomy to allow it to recruit who it wants, and operate where it wants.

Republic Guild Roster

To be added to the guild roster, simply leave a comment below or in the comment box at the bottom of the home page with your NAME and your ALTS, CLASS, ROLE, CRAFTING SKILLS, TIMEZONE and times and days you are typically online. Leave a short bio if you wish. But if you want a full bio for your character or want a picture of your character added, email me the bio and/or pic at and I'll make you a featured member on the site!

Yasac, Jedi Sentinal, DPS, Central Time, Online evenings and weekends All crafting masteries across chars

Tradon, Trooper Vanguard, Alaskan Pacific Time, Online between shifts and most weekends

Dak'iir, Vanguard, Tank,

Mecharius, Vanguard, DPS

Pan, Scoundrel, Heals/Dps, Armstech, Cybertech, Biochem, Artifice

Moofie, Scoundrel, Healing (and being a hot delivery girl) PST Mostly on after 3 Pm, except Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Ismerriah, Jedi Shadow, Dps. Online ofr a bit everyday, most time online is saturday unless working. Sundays vary, EST

Dreidon, Guardian, DPS, Cybertech, Scavenging, Underworld trading

Constenteen, Jedi Shadow DPS

Peylan, Jedi Guardian, DPS

Cyanogen, Jedi Guardian, Tank


  1. Ly'rael - Jedi Counselar - Dps - Available most days, varying times, EST, No Mondays.
    Zarynah - Trooper Commando - Dps/Heals

    Most crafting skills available on request, Several other characters on Emperial side, names available upon request.

  2. Almist- Jedi Guardian, tank. Usually available anywhere from 2 to 12 EST, depending on the day and week. Most crafting with the exception of weapon and armor smith.

  3. Ismerriah- Jedi Shadow- Dps. Online for a bit everyday, most time online is Saturday unless im working. Sudays Vary, (EST)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. trying to get sleep back in a pattern so I can play in the after noon again cya all soon

  5. Replies
    1. I do have a male character name Gerimya. Note sure about him if I'll play him much.


Telos Surface

Telos Surface